Monday, June 20, 2011

My quest to become The Ultimate Nugget Master.

Ever since I was small, I have harbored a deep and abiding love for pranks and practical jokery. Sadly, as an only child, I lack opportunities to express this conviction and prove my value as a joker (or as a Riddler, even.) However, this will no longer hinder my progress. From now on, I shall vow to become the best and most sneaky pranker ever. Since there is a dearth of villains who are hiring plotting assistants in my neighborhood, I have had to set my sights on a title no villain has as of yet achieved. And no, that is not only because I have recently created it. God, have a little faith.
This title I strive to claim can be described simply as "The Ultimate Nugget Master."
Although Urban Dictionary has an alternate definition for nuggeting listed as well, I am referring to the act of turning the backpack (usually of a friend, but also for enemies) inside out and replacing all items, hopefully without getting caught. Once the backpack is full, inside out, and re-zipped, it looks like a nugget, hence the term. It has become my mission to be the most successful nuggeteer the world has ever seen.
So far, in prior attempts to reach this goal, I have:
a) Successfully nuggeted several of my friends' backpacks, pencil cases, and lunch bags
b) Successfully nuggeted one coat
c) Successfully, though somewhat painfully, nuggeted one water bottle

d) Unsuccessfully attempted to nugget various items, though these are far outweighed by my successes
and e) Claimed the title with ruthless abandon and disregard for the claims of others.
I think I'm pretty qualified.
HOWEVER, certain others who shall not be named think I should do something "big", such as nuggeting the bag of our principal, or someone's car. I've told them time and time again that this would require highly specialized equipment, like a blowtorch or a garbage compactor, but I guess they just aren't listening... Ah well. The lack of competition undeniably proves that this title should be mine. Plus the water bottle. I think perhaps I have achieved my goal. Isn't it true that any great revolutionary faces those doubters who cannot be dispelled of their beliefs? It is.

Congratulations to me! In celebration, I think I deserve ice cream. Yum.